Reframing Retail - Alien Wolter ist dabei

Reframing Retail


We have something to say and are not satisfied with standing still.

That is why we are part of the Reframing Retail Community - and Alien Wolter, as Managing Director of the ARNO Group, takes a stand with her assessments.


On the thesis "sustainability is the new profitable" she says:

"Really great new and sustainable materials are available. But that’s not enough. Existing products must be given a longer lifespan, they must be usable over several product generations. Then we’ll be on the right track."


If you want to read all statements by Alien Wolter, visit the Landingpage on Reframing Retail.



Behind Reframing Retail is the agency diconium, which, in cooperation with the EHI Retail Institute, Visplay and commercetools, has drawn up various theses on the changes in consumer behaviour and discussed these theses with opinion leaders.




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